Zero Waste Candles for Conscious Consumers

This blog is written by my friend Kayla Schneider, owner of Little Lemon Candles. 

Candles: a staple in every home. The perfect hostess or just-because gift. Scents are personal, changing with the seasons and with someone’s mood. A simple little flame that pulls the fragrances up into the air–jasmine, vanilla or even basil.

I am a candle-loving freak. I can’t get enough of their tantalizing aromas and peaceful ambiance. But have you ever thought about what your candle is made from? Could there be any side effects to my family or the environment? I wanted to share my candle-making journey with you so you can learn from my quest to create a natural, environmental-friendly and sustainable soy-based candle line.

My Smelly Addiction

Let me set the scene: You are shopping at your local super market and candles are seamlessly placed throughout the store. Pops of cute little containers drawing you in! With a quick sniff test, you’re sold — the proud owner of a new candle!

This routine was something I never thought twice about. I just wanted my house to smell fresh and clean. But, it’s all fun and games until I started putting two and two together….my physical ailments were directly tied to my candle burning behavior.

I started noticing a pattern soon after I got pregnant with my son. I was having painful, agonizing migraines and nausea to the 10th degree. I ruled out everything. And finally started experimenting, testing my symptoms every time I burned these candles. How bizarre! So I started doing some real in depth investigating.

Are Those Chemicals I Smell?

I soon realized I was becoming sick due to the chemicals in candles. Your average store bought candle may contain:

  • Paraffin Wax: This petroleum byproduct is in many over-the-counter candles. (Yes, it is the same thing as diesel fuel). It is delightfully made from black sludge at the bottom of oil barrels. That sludge is then bleached, bleached more, and goes through another round of bleaching. Then, it is filled with more chemicals such as acetone, phenol chloro-benzene and a bunch of other stuff I can’t even begin to pronounce. What does this process do? It makes the sludge white and presentable.
  • Phthalates: Used as a solvent in cheaper fragrance oils. Phthalates damage the liver, kidneys and lungs as well can impact hormones and negatively impact the reproductive system.
  • Lead Wicks: Lead works in keeping the wick steady and erect while burning, producing lead emissions.

My Natural Candle Journey

After my research I instantly stopped burning all of my candles, but my love for this product kept me searching for more. How could I safely enjoy candles? The crafty (and slightly stubborn) side of me decided to try and craft these all natural candles myself. I was a mom in that weird stage where I only used products around my family that were approved by me.

The Exploration Phase

At first, I started experimenting with different waxes and found that soy wax is a natural product made from soy beans. There are also bees and coconut wax options that are also eco-friendly, but for me I found it easier to work with soy products. It’s also an added bonus to get to say I make vegetable candles!

My research next led me Premium fragrance oils, which are fragrance oils that were made with essential oils that are both nitro-musk (a cheaper, synthetic version of musk that is only partially biodegradable) and phthalate-free. The first oils I used were Eucalyptus & Lavender. To this day it is a top seller and my personal favorite.

Lastly, all I needed to complete my candle was a natural braided cotton wick. To ensure its sturdiness, the wicks are dipped in soy wax before gluing them in to my jars.

Starting My Business

I loved the process of making candles. I thrived on the fact that I was producing something that I enjoyed without putting my family’s health at risk or putting chemicals into our air. I started Little Lemon Candles soon after. An eco-friendly, non-toxic, family safe candle that fills your home with fun and delightful smells. I take pride in lighting up someone’s life with an item that I hand-crafted using materials that I trust around my family. I also love educating my fellow candle lovers who may be adding to air pollution without realizing it.

Being a Conscious Consumer

This journey has given me so much insight. There are so many “simple” products in our world that are loaded with synthetic ingredients and chemicals. This all keeps costs low for mass production (just like those sludgy candles I used to burn). You can purchasing reusable bags, shopping resale clothing like Pulpy Thrift or shops like Princeton Heights Marketplace, a repurposed home decor shop, that also sells unique furniture and gifts (you can even find Little Lemon Candles there!).

Try using products made with natural ingredients. If they aren’t listed, ask for an ingredients list. If they don’t give it to you, then it’s probably not an all natural product. You can also replace items in your home that are more sustainable (Dharma & Dwell is a new cute little pop up with lots of options). These are all simple choices, and can make a real impact in the world!

Becoming an Even More Sustainable Little Lemon Candles

I wanted Little Lemon Candles to give back now. We recently introduced “odd finds” to our candle line. These adorable vintage containers, coffee cups and jars eliminate the need to purchase new glass jars.

Or if you have your own containers or old candle jars we offer to fill them for $2.50 per oz. You can also get a 10% discount coupon when you recycle used candle jars back to us! You can either message us directly or meet us up at Tower Grove Farmers Market to drop them off (just make sure you check in with our social media to make sure for the days we are there!) Its small, but having a business offer options to reduce waste does help…. one candle at a time!

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